Cyber Security Management

Peace of Mind from Proper Protection

Cyber attacks are growing in scale, frequency, and sophistication. Do you know where to start or what to prioritise to protect your company and its data?

Companies today receive and store more confidential client and project data than ever before. But few organisations understand the reputational and financial risk they’re facing. 

Not only are cybercriminals becoming more advanced, any type of data loss or data breach — even those due to simple human error — can trigger reporting requirements, reputation damage, and financial penalties.

In this environment, every organisation is at risk. That’s why Mangano IT’s cyber security solutions are grounded in a deep understanding of both today’s threats and the technology needed to defend against them.

Identify Your Risk Factors with a Comprehensive Cyber Security Assessment

The Australian Cyber Security Centre is notified about a new attack on an Australian business every 8 minutes.

To protect your business, you need to take a proactive stance — and that begins with knowing what you’re up against. Mangano IT’s Cyber Security Risk Assessment goes beyond automated assessments to develop a comprehensive understanding of your organisation’s specific risks. 

Identifies and ranks your unique risk factors

Benchmarks your current security posture

Enables you to prioritise and remediate security risks

Determines your compliance with industry-specific regulations

Gives you confidence to respond to new threats

With deep expertise in enabling remote and collaborative workforces, Mangano IT understands how to secure your operations and data while supporting the demands of a modern “work-anywhere-at-anytime” workplace. 

Mangano IT’s robust risk assessment gave us an important line of sight on the extent of our potential risks and ensured we could rate, prioritise and address these as part of an ongoing program of security improvements.”

Tracey Silvester, CEO, Seasons Living

How Mangano IT’s Connect + Protect Keeps You Safe

Organisations looking for a more comprehensive approach to security within a fully managed cloud environment may benefit from Mangano IT’s Connect + Protect offering.

Connect + Protect addresses the five common business challenges that affect organisational security:

Threat Protection

Mangano IT’s Connect + Protect addresses team members’ lack of knowledge around ransomware and phishing scams; guards against malware in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive, and enables fast data restoration, in the event of an attack.

  • Secure mailboxes against advanced threats 
  • Protect against unsafe attachments 
  • Protect environments when users click malicious links 
  • Access protection reporting and message link tracking 

Security Management

Connect + Protect prevents unsecured devices from accessing your data, protecting devices containing your business’s IP through policy enforcement. This enables your organisation to manage and maintain visibility at a device level, including wiping lost devices or controlling the partial wipe of BYOD devices.

  • Deploy policies to manage devices 
  • Enforce encryption at a hard drive level on compatible machines 
  • Increase security levels to protect against malware 
  • Enforce security measures on mobility devices such as lock screen pin codes for additional access protection 

Data Compliance

Meet your compliance goals by assigning, tracking, and recording data compliance and assessment-related activities. Connect + Protect reduces your organisation’s exposure to risk by tracking your progress and prioritising auditing controls. 

End the headache of yearly data compliance audits by configuring Compliance Manager, simplifying your external auditing requirements through the Compliance dashboard, and utilising reporting tools to deliver compliance assessments using in-built templates or custom assessments built to meet your needs. 

Information Protection

Connect + Protect ensures appropriate data visibility within your business, including automatically securing documents based on their content and monitoring risky team member behaviour. This protects your business’s intellectual property, even if data files are stolen. 

  • Enforce data protection at a file and folder level 
  • Identify sensitive information across a variety of locations including devices, apps, cloud services, and on-premises
  • Classify and label documents based on defined sensitivity levels 
  • Configure protective actions such as encryption, access restrictions, and visual markings 
  • Gain visibility into how sensitive information is being used in cloud services   

Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Eliminate the loss of productive time on password reset processes and enhance user authentication security with multi-factor authentication (MFA) in the Microsoft 365 environment on both PC and mobility devices.

Mangano IT: Your Partner in Cyber Security

Not sure where to begin? Mangano IT’s team of cybersecurity specialists is standing by to help identify the right security solutions for your needs. Contact us today to get started.